Melrose Wakefield Hospital Art Show is up and running!

25 Jan 2022By Janet

The Melrose Wakefield Hospital Art Show is now open and will be running for six months! I have eight floral paintings on exhibition here, pictured in the image above. I am hoping the artwork will comfort and inspire patients and workers in these challenging times!

New England Reach Art Show
Melrose Wakefield Hospital in Melrose, Massachusetts
January - June, 2022

New England Reach Art Show at Melrose Wakefield Hospital
Many thanks to Ruth Axtell, pictured next to my painting "Out of Darkness" above, for organizing and hanging this lovely show. This large peony painting may seem familiar since it has been on exhibit at several past juried shows, including 2019 NOAPS Fall Online International and the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club's 2020 Annual Open Exhibition in New York City.