Two paintings exhibited in the BGA Spring 2021 Exhibit

23 Mar 2021By Janet

I am happy to announce that my paintings "The Light Within" and "Amaryllis and Hummingbird" will be on display in the Bellmont Gallery of Art's Spring 2021 Exhibit! This is a virtual exhibit that focuses on: "Art Heals: Transforming Ourselves and Our World." Check out the website at!

Healing is a topic dear to my heart. Over 35 year ago, I was healed of two incurable eye diseases. Following extensive study and diagnosis, multiple doctors stated that a disease in my eyes was incurable and would lead to blindness. Later, my eyesight seemed to just improve. My retina specialist kept looking at the records about my eyes and my new results, and finally with a perplexing stare declared that I must have been healed. Not remission, healed. Even my misshapen pupil had become round- I again had 20/20 vision. I thank Jesus Christ daily for his mercy!