"Out of Darkness" showing at the Belmont Gallery of Art
22 March 2020By Janet
Both "Crown of Flowers" and "Out of Darkness" are part of the Artful Nature Show at the Belmont Gallery of Art at 19 Moore Street in Belmont, Massachusetts. While the BGA's Spring 2020 show is not open to the public because of the current covid pandemic, this has become a virtual show and is available for viewing on the Belmont Gallery of Art website. [Blog post continues below]
"Crown of Flowers", seen hanging at Gallery Twist in the image above, was inspired by a beautiful poem. With the virus spreading so rapidly, this is quickly becoming a difficult time for many people. Easter is coming up next month and let us not forget to look to the Lord!!
"O Saviour Christ, who could forget
The crown of thorns – the tortured hours?
But on Thy brow there shall be set’
A crown of fadeless flowers.
And may we bring our flowers to crown
The love that won at Calvary?
Down in the grass they grow, low down,
The least of flowers that be.
Immortal Love, Thy sun and showers
Have swept our field, oh take thine own,
Thy little flowers, Thy love’s own flowers,
Dear Lord, to make Thy crown."
By Amy Carmichael